Sunday, January 1, 2012


I am a terrible blogger. I'm constantly neglecting my faithful readers their daily-dose of Katelyn! I mean, I must be some sort of animal or something! Well, like always when I neglect you, I'll fill you in on my doings since July.

  • Jonathan returned home safely
  • School started
  • Band went alright, but we never got high places or scores
  • Made some new friends, but sadly lost a few
  • Watched Jonathan blow my mind as Scrooge for the play
  • Had a good chours concert
  • Madrigal went well
  • Sang at a Bears game
  • Went to Williamsburg with the Speers for a week.
  • Had a nice Christmas
  • Decent New Years
  • Celebrated my 6 months anniversary with Jonathan
So, that's basically it. So far everythings been good. Except a few fights and some tears that were shed, life isn't to bad. Things to look forward to now: Jazz Band, Musical, and more blissful months with my sweetie. 2012 better be good to me!

As always, audience, I bid you a pleasent fairwell.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sadness: A Bit Of A Catchup

I don't know why I keep forgeting to blog, I honestly don't. It's really rather sad. It's not like I'm busy or anything. The only things I have are practicing/memorizing band music, actual band practice, and hanging out with my boyfriend. Oh, did I forget my new, totally sweet and amazing boyfiend Jonathan? Oops, silly me!

By now you must be thinking, "Katelyn? Why you be sad?" Well, faithful reader(s), I shall explain! Starting now until August 8th, one of the two things that keep me busy in the summer will be bye-bye. No, noy band, my lovely Jonathan. He's going to be 1) At Scout Camp (Nothing hotter then a Boy Scout, Can I get an Amen!), his Aunt Sherry's ("Watching Frick and Frack" ~Jonathan) and a mission trip to Kentucky (That I sadly can't go on). He won't have access to any form of computer or contacting device, so I will be without contact for three weeks. This upsets me greatly, because I miss him very much. Thankfully, one of those weeks I'm at band camp, so I won't have time to mis him. my head will have to much music, drill, and sunburn floating in my brain.

So, yes, this is my sad little life. I mean sad in the most litteral of terms. I hope all of YOU will have a fantastic few weeks though. And I will see you when I decide to drag myself to my computer and write something legitamite.

Don't Eat Yellow Snow

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I've written to you 7 days ago saying how summer is terrible and boring. Well, it still is. Although now I have a new "distraction" to keep me sane. That distractions name is Jonathan, and he is in the shape of my new boyfriend. I could ramble on about how that all went down and about how fantastically adorable we are, but that would only bore you to tears and/or make you vomit from cuteness. I shall spare you. (Your welcome)

Alright, so other then wanting to flant about my new KICK BUTT boyfriend and updating you on how my summer has been nothing, I have nothing else to say. I will see you all sometime that is undetermined at this time.

Catch You On The Flip Side,

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer is Garb

My life out of school is boring as a mother trucker. I hear all my friend talk about how pumped they are to go on vacation, or how busy they are. I, on the other hand, am doing nothing. I read and I play solitare. And I occasionally stare at flys on my wall. It's been about 2 weeks and already I've read 5 books, played 467 games of solitare and named 5 of my flys. (Harold, Abigal, Joshua, Latisha, and Xavier) Sure, I could go outside and play or whatever, but I'm fat and it's hot as balls outside. I could go hang with a friend but I live around old people in the middle of no-where. The only children near me are a 3 year old, a 5 year old, and a hyperactive 10 year old who likes to ambush me about vampires. The only thing keeping me from killing someone (Or myself for that matter) is the one day of the week I get to leave the house to go to marching band. And even that can be ruined by certain people I don't want to mention. I just have to buck up with the next 66 days before I'm back in the smelly, yet safe halls of good ol' Northern Lebanon High School.

Have A Life For Me,

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hola, Como etas?

He hecho tanto estudiar para mi final de mañana español, estoy bastante seguro de que mi cerebro está a punto de explotar. Probablemente va a explotar en el cerebro de poco sabor a los burritos. Yum.

Translation: I have done so much studying for my Spanish final tomorrow, I'm pretty sure my brain is about to explode. It'll probably explode into little brain flavored burritos. Yum.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oops I Did It Again

My dearest apologies for not writing in such a long time. -whispers- Don't tell anyone, but I kind of forgot the password to my account. But this stays between us! -unwhispers- Anyway, other then my little problem, I've also been super busy. Just a little list:

  • Band: Now, Jazz band is done, and concert bands on doing Comencement before were done, but now I have Marching Band. Yes, I love marching band; tis amazing. But I have no time to learn how to march with my new instruement (Was a flute, now a sax), and learning/memorizing music. Plus parades. Yes, plural is required here.
  • Projects: This is that time when teachers realize "Oh hey! I didn't do enough projecs this year! I better make up a huge-o project that counts for like 300 points for them! Mwhahahaha!" -_-"
And the Biggie Humungo Jerkwad Thing:
  • Finals: Finals are stressing me the hellokitty out. I have 6 different finals: Spanish, English, History, Science, Algebra, and Computer Apps (HOWDOYOUPOSSIBLYHAVEAFINALONCOMPUTERS?!?!WHAAA). With 170 questions each, I'm probably going to die. And I still havn't starte studying. Why? Because I'm dumb as all ever. That's why.

So yes, I am sorry I havn't written in awhile, and I will do my best to develop the inspiration to do so. Thanks for listening to my rambling :3.

Here's Looking At You Kid,
~Katelyn (:

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Learning and Washington

Yesterday was my Freshman Class Trip to Washington DC. I had never been there, so I was pretty darn excited. We went to the World War II Memorial, Vietam Memorial, Korea Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, and the American History Smithsonian Museum. Oh and Arlington National Cemetary.

Going on this trip, I knew little about any of these things. I knew Lincoln and Jefferson were good presidents, and the Smithsonian were giant. But I think I actually learned something. I learned:

  • There are hundreds of thousands of names on the Vietam Wall. That's crazy. All those people died fighting a war that was really worthless. It pretty much broke my heart. I also found out that there are 4 different names from my school. That's crazy.
  • There is a crazy amount of Pop Culture stuff at the Smithsonian. And historical musical instrments. Now, anyone who knows me knows I am a huge Band/Film nerd, so I pretty much wet myself/ Jizzed in my pants when I got there. The first Kermet the frog, Doroth's slippers, Bill Clinton's saxophone, the first ever flute, props from All In the Family. My freaking god it was amazing
  • Arlington dosn't appreciate it when you run into there "Silence and Respect" signs. Oops. But, seriously, the place was amazing. It was realy quiet and peaceful. I thought it would make me uncomfortable and I would hate it, but it made me feel tranquil and at ease. I kinda of loved it.
Anyhoo, I love DC and I wishd we had went to the Holocaust museum, or seen the White House. I actually learned something on a class trip, and I'm so happy  went.

May The Force Be With You,